About the Parent Association
The mission of the East Side Community High School Parent Association is to connect families to the academic experience of all East Side students while also promoting open communication, community spirit, and a lifelong love of learning. We host monthly meetings and encourage all East Side parents and caregivers to attend.
Our goals:
Foster community and inclusion at East Side
Support school initiatives
Promote open dialogue between East Side parents and school administrators
Educate and empower parents
Encourage parent involvement at East Side
East Side Community High School Parent Association Board
Executive Board
Lisa Collazo-Torres, Co-President
Gunti Singh, Co-President
Jenny Kronenfeld, Treasurer
Crystal Perry, Secretary
General Board
James Bromberg Ana Maria Contreras Seth Ginsberg Heather Mihalic Natasha Moreta Nicole Soto Julieta Valero May-Ling Wong
Title I Parent Representative
Janessa Nunez
Position Descriptions
The president shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The president shall appoint chairpersons of association committees with the approval of the executive board. The president shall delegate responsibilities to other association members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities. The president shall attend all regular meetings of the presidents’ council and shall be a mandatory member of the school leadership team (“SLT”), however the president may appointment alternates from the executive board to attend the SLT meetings in his/her stead. The president shall meet regularly with the executive board members in accordance with these bylaws to plan the agendas for the general membership meetings. The president shall be one of the eligible signatories on checks. The president shall assist with the June transfer of association records to the incoming executive board.
Vice President
The vice-president/co-vice presidents shall assist the president or co-presidents and shall assume the president’s or co-presidents’ duties in his/her or their absence or at the president’s request. The vice-president(s) shall be one of the signatories on all checks. The vice-president(s) shall assist with the June transfer of association records to the incoming executive board.
The treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the association. The treasurer shall also be responsible for maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises and shall be one of the signatories on checks. The treasurer shall adhere to and implement all financial procedures established by the association. The treasurer shall prepare and present a written report of all transactions at every executive board and make same available for review by the general membership when requested. This report must include income, refunds, reimbursements and other expenditures, and opening and closing balances for the reporting period. The treasurer shall also prepare the association’s interim and annual financial reports. The treasurer shall make available all books and financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit. The treasurer shall assist with the June transfer of all association records to the incoming executive board.
Recording Secretary
The recording secretary shall record minutes at all association meetings. The recording secretary’s responsibilities shall include the preparation of notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials for distribution. The recording secretary shall maintain custody of the association’s records on school premises. The recording secretary shall incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and shall ensure that signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the principal’s office. The recording secretary shall assist with the June transfer of all association records to the incoming executive board.
General Board Member(s)
The general board members (8) shall attend executive and general membership meetings, promote the school to prospective new families and encourage volunteerism for current families, Invites new families/students to the Back to School/Family Night and other events during the school year, informs the president of any information that needs to be communicated to the board or school administration, works closely with the executive board to coordinate social activities/events for the school, supports and promotes the school’s and Parents Association’s fundraisers, activities, and events, and provides input on how the Parents Association can use surplus funds.
Title I Parent Representative
The Title I Parent Representative shall have a dual responsibility: (a) To ensure that information about Title I and other programs, policies and initiatives are shared with other Title I parents. (b) Through their representation, that the views of Title I parents are expressed on issues affecting their children’s education.